Governmental institutions:
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic
- ex-ante evaluation of the Rural Development Program of the Slovak Republic 2014 – 2020
- situation analysis of the Operation Program Fish Management 2014 – 2020
Ex – ante from the Rural Development Program 2014 – 2020
- member of the National Board for the Danube Strategy Priority Area 7 (Knowledge Society)
- member of the Board for the Operation Program Research and Innovations 2014 – 2020
Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
Member of the Steering Committee for the Danube Strategy Priority Area 8 (competitive small and medium companies and clustering)
Regions, cities and villages:
Trnava self- governing region
- effective use of EU funds within the region Trnava including the Danube Strategy – contract 2012/2013
Nitra self- governing region (NSK)
- Development of agricultural and food strategy in the NSK
City Nitra
- waste utilization as a recoverable energy source in the NSK and region Budapest
- establishment
of the Nitra Energy Agency, Smart Energy for Europe
Town Liptovský Hrádok
- increase of provided services quality in the area of education, increase of facility energy management, inclusion of disabled children and children with impaired mobility, increase of computer literacy of students and the public in compliance with requirements of information society, and increase of supplemental services quality and extent.
Dvory nad Žitavou
- Transformation of traditional school to a modern school.
- increase of energy effectiveness through the modernization of public lighting system
- increase of energy effectiveness through the modernization of public lighting system
- Reconstruction
of local road infrastructure
- Infrastructure supporting the development of public services
Small and medium companies including farmers:
Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- CNCB – Cluster and Network Cooperation for Business Success in Central Europe – external expert
Ján Cibulka – CIBI
- Increase of competitiveness and market position of the company Ján Cibulka – CIBI through transfer of innovative technology wholes (production and packaging line, and automatic quality control of baked potato chips, characterized as an innovative and advanced technology).
Bystrina SK, Ltd
- Project subject referred to the building of advanced drinking water treatment technology.
Poľno SME, s.r.o.
- Modernization of agricultural technique, storage premises and technical buildings.
AGRO Division Selice
- Building of Boiler Room for bio fuel and purchase of Boiler Room technology, reconstruction of pumping station, reconstruction of animal production objects to crop silo, purchase of agricultural technique.
Agricultural farm Neverice
- Modernization of the farm Neverice focused on fulfillment of standards
MäsKo (Meat – production and processing)
- Building of complex production plant with innovative technology and automated operation including operating systems
VÍNO MATYŠÁK (wine production)
- Complex solution of production quality and production diversification in the company
Universities and research organizations:
Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Country Utilization and Protection, and Biodiversity Excellence Center
Institute of Molecular Biology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
New Microbial Isolates Containing Genes of Catabolic and Detoxification Routes, and their Application in Biotechnology
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SPU)
- Complex revitalization and completion of Information – Communication Technology of Network and Technique aimed at improving the educational process at SPU
- Improvement of educational process conditions at SPU Nitra through investments in the Information – Communication Technology
· Agro-biodiversity Utilization and Protection Excellence Center
Sv. Cyril and Method University in Trnava
- Development of Information – Communication Technology
National Agricultural and Food Center
Business and Innovation Center
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, Germany
- NoGAP projeckt – Overcoming the differences in research, innovation and development of business 7RP
- CLUSTRAT project – OP Central Europe
- European Enterprise Network – partner
Innovation Forum – partner
Non-governmental organizations:
Association of Slovak Towns and Villages
HELPS – „Habitation and Home Care of Elderly and Vulnerable Groups of Citizens and Strategy of Local Partnerships in the Central European Towns“.
In Regio – Institute of Regional Development
- Information TV campaign „Our Region“
- Rural tourism – Information guide for Slovak Enterprises
- Development of information database for purpose of cross fulfillments in the agricultural sector
- Information guideline – All about the Sale to End User
International organizations:
European Committee
World Bank
European Investment Bank
US Agency for International Development
United States Department of Agriculture
- Union of Slovak Clusters
- NoGAP project
- Clustrat project
- V4Clusters
- ClusterPoliSEE
- Slovak Plastic Cluster
- IT Valley Košice
- Slovak Automotive Cluster
- 1. Slovak Machine Engineering Cluster
- LIPTOV Cluster
- TURIEC Cluster
- ORAVA Cluster
- Tourism Cluster of Western Slovakia
Operation programs:
Operation program Human Resources
- Increase of quality and effectiveness of Lifelong Education at the Faculty of Gardening and Landscape Engineering SPU in Nitra.
- Interconnection of university education with the needs of praxis at SPU in Nitra.
Operation program Development and Innovations
- Demand-oriented research for sustainable and innovative food products, Drive4SIFood
- Research of biotic and non-biotic factors impact on the components of the system water- soil- atmosphere – vegetative cover
- Support of research activities at SPU in Nitra in the area of power engineering.
- Support of research activities in the area of animal production
- Support of
research activities in VC ABT
Operation program Education
- Support of Education quality improvement at the Faculty of Gardening and Landscape Engineering SPU in Nitra.
Operation program Education
- Education by theater
- Development of the study program „Inter-departmental study – Mass-Media Study – French language“, with the use of information – communication technology
Sv. Don Bosco Elementary School, ul. 1. mája 24, Zlaté Moravce
Operation program Education
- Modern education for every student
Institute of Hydrology, the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Operation program Research and Development
- Excellence center for Integrated Management of River Basins in the Changing Environment
Technical High School, Cintorínska 4, Nitra
Operation program Education
- Learn Beauty
UCM in Trnava
Operation program Education
- Development and innovation of study programs FPV UCM in Trnava, focused on the needs of labor market and knowledge society
- Implementation of new education forms for the Faculty of Mass-Media Communication, Sv. Cyril and Method University in Trnava
- Education quality improvement at FPV UCM in Trnava, study program „Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry“
Operation program Research and Development
- Development and modernization of information- communication technologies at Sv. Cyril and Method University in Trnava
J. Selye University in Komárno
Operation program Education
- Education quality improvement through development and innovation of study programs, development of human resources and support of career consultations
Technical High School of Gastronomy and Tourism, Levická 40, Nitra
Operation program Education