Call for expression of interest to participate in the EU CAP Network Brokerage event ‘Get involved in Horizon Europe advisory networks’
The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI are organising the EU CAP Network Brokerage event ‘Get involved in Horizon Europe advisory networks’.
The EU CAP Network Brokerage event will take place in Sofia (Bulgaria), on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 January 2023.
This event will be dedicated to matchmaking and networking amongst advisors, farmers, researchers, and other relevant stakeholders to support the preparation of proposals for the upcoming Horizon Europe Calls on advisory networks. Additionally, the event will create opportunities for exchanging knowledge and innovative ideas and practices, that may inspire potential applicants to take part in the next Horizon Europe call.
You can find more information on the event webpage.
DEADLINE: 17 November, at 23:59 CET. If you are interested in participating, please apply by completing the application form.
Please feel free to forward this open call to others who may be interested in attending and contributing to the event.
Because of the limited number of seats, it will not be possible to accommodate all requests for participation. A selection process will take place aiming at creating a diverse range of participants with broad geographical coverage, representing farm practice, advisory services and research, and including both people with experience in preparing Horizon proposals and less experienced participants. Selected applicants will subsequently receive a personal invitation to register for participation.
For any questions, please contact
The company PROUNION a.s. is a member of the EIP AGRI consortium.
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